The five county cricketers of the year

A player can only make the list once. View the previous winners: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017

By Gary Naylor for the 99.94 Cricket Blog

The Australian (with a British passport, so watch this space) conforms to the template of an English seamer. Even his curved run up is old-school, helping to get the shoulder turn and slightly round-arm action that promotes the outswing that leads to nibble after nibble after nibble.

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The Spin | County Championship 2024 awards: the final word on the season

Surrey won Division One yet again, but more counties get a look-in – for reasons great and farcical – in these awards

The 2024 County Championship season dribbled to an end on Sunday afternoon, handshakes taken as early as was polite, while the autumn roared in. It was the longest Championship season on record – stretching from 5 April to 29 September – finishing with the favourites, Surrey, easing to victory with one round to go and Sussex winning Division Two on the final day, a thousand supporters hanging around in gloves to watch Clare Connor present the trophy.

But how quickly things move on. Rod Bransgrove announced the sale of Hampshire to the Delhi Capitals before the Spin had time to pull the season’s trophies out of the Guardian cabinet where they have been gathering dust since last year. So belatedly, and somewhat overshadowed by power-brokers in important shoes rustling papers in mahogany boardrooms, here are the summer’s County Championship awards.

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